Level V Executive Consultant from Bozeman, Montana

fffMarissa McDonough is Demonstrating How to Leverage a Brand

Level V Executive Consultant Marissa McDonough from Bozeman, Montana is one of those dynamic people every independent business owner dreams of having on her team. A young entrepreneur, she wasted no time last June contacting her friend and Rodan + Fields® Consultant, Stephani Byrd, when she wanted to know more about Rodan + Fields. Marissa had heard the “buzz” about Rodan + Fields and she was looking for a way to model her career around her two children who are just one and three years old. “I don’t think there’s any better or bigger ‘why’ than being able to have a very successful career but not at the expense of your family,” she says.
As a real estate broker in Bozeman with her own from, Marissa was well acquainted with being her own boss. However, the Rodan + Fields business model offered an extra incentive to the idea of independent business ownership. She could leverage the company’s already established powerful brand and solid infrastructure to create her own business without investing the start-up costs or amount of hours it takes to start a typical business. “The 90 Day Action Timing was also important to her, because she realized she could be first to open several markets across the United States but “still be able to live in the most beautiful place in America.” She created a strategic plan for building her business by looking at regions throughout the country where people had not yet built large organizations. “I started leveraging my network in those areas,” she says. Marissa maintains constant communication with her team members wherever they are, and when she can’t travel to an event she uses Skype to make sure she is involved.

It’s All About Trust

“The 90 Day Action Plan that corporate has created for us is a huge tool for me,” she says, adding that she helps her new team members review their plans every 30 days to make sure they’re on track, with a goal of having them proftable within 30-60 days. “By using the Fast Start Program, it makes that very doable,” she adds. The Pattern to Prosperity is another valuable aid. “There is no better worksheet to show people how simple this is and that it’s truly just a duplication model.”  For Marissa, the business is all about trust—trust in the products, in the business model and in the Doctors. She feels weekly meetings are a must and that Consultants must be willing to talk to people. She believes everyone is one of three possibilities: a business partner, a Preferred Customer or a referral source. Marissa qualified as a Level V in November after just five months working the business. And she’s certainly not stopping there—she plans to keep advancing in rank. Her 30th  birthday is June 1, and she has the perfect present in mind: “There’s no better birthday celebration than getting a Lexus.”

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