REVERSE Regimen for Brown Spots, Dullness and Sun Damage

Rodan + Fields REVERSE Regimen

dwena young

I am a LIII EC for Rodan + Fields. I am very pas- sionate about these products and my business … The products changed my life because the results were above and beyond what I expected or ever received from products used before R+F.

“I sought help for the embarrassing brown spots by using OTC meds and consulting other dermatologists. But I didn’t have $10K handy in my pocket, nor did the procedure and products come with a money back guarantee. Before giving up, I decided to try one more product … Rodan + Fields, because I knew the reputation of these doctors. If they couldn’t help me … no one could. I started using the REVERSE Regimen and stuck with it until my brown spots had faded, which took about two months. Then I switched to the ANTI-AGE Regimen, AMP MD System and Multi-Function Eye Cream. I’ve used the products faithfully as directed, and also applied the Eye Cream around my lips for approximately four months.  I am FOUNDATION FREE TODAY!! Thank you, Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, for your passion and vision to help people like me, and all at an affordable price!

SOOTHE Success Story: Debra Buenenman

Rodan + Fields SOOTHE regimen


Before I began using the SOOTHE Regimen, my whole face was always red, as if I were blushing or sunburned. Since I don’t like to wear make-up, I sometimes thought that my red face was the first thing people saw. I began using SOOTHE in May 2011. By the beginning of July, most of the redness was gone from my forehead, chin and sides of my face. By mid-September my entire face was smoother and had an even tone. I feel like people can see ME now!”

SOOTHE Success Story: Joe Romagna

Rodan + Fields® SOOTHE Regimen


“I have had sensitive skin since childhood. I sunburn easily and get dry, flaky skin from time to time – especially when I sweat. Typically, my skin looks worse on my forehead, which makes me feel very self-conscious.”
“My wife suggested I use the Rodan + Fields® SOOTHE Regimen. I tried it, not thinking much of it. However, after only two days (four applications), I was blown away! I was amazed and feel much less embarrassed by my skin now.”

SOOTHE Success Story: Lucas Brown Brock

Rodan and Fields SOOTHE Regimen


“My sweet, 16-month-old baby’s face looked red since he was 3 months old. I started using the SOOTHE Regimen on his face this summer, and within a few days his skin looked so much better. At two weeks the redness appeared to be gone and his face felt smooth and soft like it should be on a baby. His complexion finally matches his sweet, loving personality.”

REVERSE Success Story: Michelle Bock

Rodan + Fields REVERSE Regimen


“I had never categorized myself as having problematic or unhealthy skin; in fact, I really never thought about it – I’ve always had freckles and figured I just looked like a tired mom of three. I spent a lot of time outdoors, but I always used a moisturizer with SPF. However, over the years I began to notice portions of my face appeared really discolored.”
“I began using the Rodan + Fields REVERSE Regimen hoping to even out my skin tone and that maybe some freckles and brown spots on my face would become less visible. After the first few days, I noticed an immediate brightening of my complexion. Four weeks into the
regimen, my skin looked healthier, brighter and smoother. It was between 45 and 60 days of using the regimen that I was really blown away with the results. The majority of my discoloration appeared to be gone and my face looked brighter and more moisturized. People have really noticed a difference and I am over the moon happy and excited about my results!”

REVERSE Success Story: Janel Whitehead

 Rodan + Fields® REVERSE Regimen


“I always had some freckles, ever since I was a little girl, but as I got older my skin showed even more discoloration as a result of years in the sun and two pregnancies. I had freckles everywhere, as well as areas of darker freckle clusters. I actually didn’t realize quite how bad it had gotten until I took my ‘before’ picture. I was completely mortified that no one had said anything to me about how my skin looked … not my husband, not my mom, not my friends.
“I started using Rodan + Fields® REVERSE Regimen and after only eight weeks, I was feeling better about my skin than I had in years. I now feel comfortable leaving the house without any makeup on, which is a huge time saver with two small children. Plus, I’ve been getting tons of compliments on how great my skin looks from both friends and strangers on the street. I can’t wait to see what the next eight weeks will bring.”

SOOTHE Success Story: Jenna Roney

Rodan + Fields Soothe Regimen


“For the past nine years I have been taking various medications, and it was about this time that my skin issues started. I had visible redness, skin hot to the touch and mild acne. I tried many, many products and none of them worked at all.”

“A few months ago my long-time friend, who is also a Consultant, reached out to me on Facebook, and I noticed that she had Rodan + Fields® products on her page. I called her to find out more, but it took me two months to finally decide to try the SOOTHE Regimen. I was very skeptical due to all of the past product failures I had experienced. But after just one use I woke up in the morning to a wonderful surprise. My skin looked so much better and I was amazed at the difference. I’ve continued to use the regimen and no longer feel the need to use foundation to cover up  the redness. I am a loyal Customer now!“

REVERSE Success Story: Nancie Billingsley

Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen / REVERSE Regimen


“I have been a loyal Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen user for several years. As I am naturally fairskinned, I had developed quite a bit of visible damage on my chest from years spent in the sun, and recently decided it was time to do something about it.

“I began using the REVERSE Regimen on my chest and could not believe the difference I saw after just a few months. I am thrilled with the results and my husband is so impressed, he wants to begin using REVERSE for the visible sun damage on his face. Now that I’ve ‘cleaned the slate,’ I am continuing with REVERSE every morning and am now using the REDEFINE Regimen at night .”

REVERSE Success Story: Tami Amundson



“After giving birth to my first daughter, my skin looked very uneven and blotchy. The sun became my enemy and makeup became my best friend. After giving birth to my second daughter several years later, I developed the ‘mask of pregnancy’ at its worst. It was awful! I would hardly leave my own bathroom without putting on my makeup. I began searching for a good skincare product and tried several. I was actually saving up money to have a chemical peel when I was introduced to Rodan + Fields®. I was so desperate and amazed by the ‘before and after’ pictures presented to me, I figured I didn’t have anything to lose and decided to try the REVERSE Regimen.”

“I can truly say I noticed a difference after one use of the REVERSE Regimen. Two months later, I feel comfortable wearing no makeup at all, or just a brush of the Rodan + Fields Mineral Peptides. And that’s not all; I’ve also started using the new REDEFINE MACRO Exfoliator™, and I have noticed my skin continues to noticeably improve. It’s smoother and my pores appear smaller. I can truly say Rodan + Fields has changed my life.”

REDEFINE Success Story: Norma Zach

Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen


“I didn’t notice how old my skin was beginning to look, especially around my eyes, until I had cataract surgery a few months ago and no longer had to wear glasses full-time. Suddenly, my whole face seemed exposed!

“I felt I had nothing to lose by trying the Rodan + Fields® REDEFINE Regimen. I noticed a difference in my skin at about five weeks, and now, after five more weeks, others are noticing and commenting on my skin. I am really pleased with my results and will be continuing this regimen!”